About New Life Center Auxiliary

Since 1953, the Auxiliary has faithfully supported the important work of New Life Center. Comprised of delegates from nearly 30 area churches, their goal is to acquaint members with the latest updates and needs of the Mission, serve as a liaison to their local church, and sponsor projects to meet those needs. The Auxiliary meets monthly on the third Friday at noon from September through May.

Discover how your church can be the hands and feet of Jesus to change the lives of those experiencing homelessness in our community.
Contact us at NLCAuxiliary@gmail.com

Auxiliary Member Churches

Bethel Church, Fargo
Bethlehem Lutheran Church, Fargo
Community Presbyterian Church, West Fargo
Dilworth Lutheran Church, Dilworth
Faith United Methodist Church, Fargo
First Baptist Church, Fargo
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Fargo
First Lutheran Church, Fargo
First Presbyterian Bible Church, Dilworth
First Presbyterian Church, Fargo
First United Methodist Church, Fargo
Flame of Faith United Methodist Church, West Fargo
Grace Covenant Church, Fargo
Grace United Methodist Church, Moorhead
Hope Lutheran Church South & North, Fargo
Lutheran Church of Christ the King, Moorhead
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd, Moorhead
Maranatha Free Lutheran Church, Glyndon
Messiah Lutheran Church, Fargo
Metropolitan Baptist Church, Fargo
North Buffalo Lutheran Church, Moorhead
Olivet Lutheran Church, Fargo
Our Savior’s Lutheran Church, Moorhead
Pontoppidan Lutheran Church, Fargo
River Valley Church, Dilworth
St. Paul’s Free Lutheran Church, Fargo
Salem Evangelical Free Church, Moorhead
Triumph Lutheran Brethren Church, Moorhead

2025 In-Kind Donation Lists

March 2025
Pepto-Bismol/Imodium & antacid tablets - Priority
Disinfecting wipes
Beef base/broth
Pancake syrup

April 2025
Coffee - Priority
White towels & washcloths
Paper napkins (everyday use)
Disposable razors
Chicken base/broth
May 2025
Men’s Shorts (All sizes)
Full-size laundry baskets
Allergy meds
Italian Seasoning