Our Programs & Services

Services are available to men 18 years of age or older.
Please call 701-235-4453 for more information.
Harbor Program
The need for shelter is what brings most men to our doors. Through our Harbor Program, men discover value and find hope in a safe and sober environment while accessing emergency services.
Passport Program
Many U.S. Military Veterans face challenges that may lead to home loss. Our Passport program, in partnership with the Fargo VA, helps male veterans overcome barriers to permanent housing and move forward on a pathway out of homelessness.
Genesis Recovery Program

Addiction and homelessness hurt. Our long-term Genesis Recovery Program helps men heal from addiction and find hope in recovery through Jesus.

Medical Respite Program
Medical needs often go unmet for those experiencing homelessness. Our Medical Respite Program, in partnership with Sanford Health, allows men to recover from acute illnesses and medical procedures in a restful environment.